Saturday, September 1, 2012

To give up or not to give up?

I have asked myself this question many times, if I should give up the whole blogging thing or not give up. My reasonings for giving up are that no reads this thing anyway and that I am not very good at it and I am a rather private person. English/Writing were my worst subjects in school, if you don't believe me, ask Doug. He will tell you how bad my writing skills are. So I am slightly embarrassed about my grammer and spelling, because Doug doesn't proof read this blog. But lately (like the last year or so) my emotions have really been on the surface. And I feel like I should write them down in a place other than my journal, because no one reads my journal expect for me. Anyway, so I am going to give this blog thing another try. So if you are reading this right now, please bare with me. I am trying.


Angelina said...

I think you should keep blogging! I love reading about your family. Keep it up!

Nat Nash said...

Don't give up! I know how you feel when you say you are subconscious about your grammar, I feel like that every time a type anything (with English being my second language and all) but writing is a good way to release emotions and whatnot, plus I will read your blog and that way I can keep up to date with what's going on with the Hurts! :-)... Don't know if I have said it before but we miss. You!!

Sarah said...

I enjoy reading about your family! And we don't care about your grammer. Gesh! ;)

Jim and Lisa said...

I have seriously never thought about your grammar or writing abilities when I read your blog, so I wouldn't worry about that. Write what you feel you need to share. You don't have to share everything. Plus, as my friend, I enjoy reading and seeing how you guys are doing. I don't read it to be critical.

Sly Family said...

Don't stop blogging!!! There are only a handful of blogs that I read and if you stop I won't be able to procrastinate as long as I would like in order to ignore all of my responsibilities ;) Plus I don't have the best grammer or spelling either! I vote keep it up!!!!!

Karen said...

I love reading about your family and looking at your pictures and seriously, the only one who cares about your grammar is your high school english teacher---not us!

jerbonashfoy said...

Keep Blogging! I read it! I am not a very good blogger either. And I would not worry about the spelling or grammar for I am not good at either of them. So when I read your blog I dont realize that you even misspelled stuff!