Saturday, May 14, 2011

Happy Birthday Genevieve!

Last Saturday was Genevieve's 1st Birthday. I can't believe that it has been a year since this beautiful girl joined our family!Words just aren't enough to describe how I felt when she was placed in my arms. I remember feeling gratitude to my Heavenly Father that he would trust me with one of his choice daughters.

4 weeks old 4months old8 months old
1 year old!

For the last year I have found myself just staring at her, she is truly beautiful! And is special spirit that we have the privilege of raising. She is full of life and personality, she is by far more active and curious than Ben ever was. (Ben was a very chill baby.) Genevieve on the other hand is always into something and keeps me on my toes. On a daily basis she makes me laugh and cry. I thank my Heavenly Father every day for her and her sweet spirit. We love you Genevieve!!


Karen said...

Cute baby--attitude and personality all wrapped up in a cute little package. Happy birthday G!