On May 28th I ran my first ever 5K race. I know some people are thinking whats the big deal, its only 3.2 miles. But for me it was a big deal! I don't like to see people or been seen while running. Another thing I swam not ran! But I do run for pleasure so I thought it was time to put my money where my mouth is.
My sister, Jen and I have been talking about wanting to run a race for a long time now, but for one reason or another we have never been able to it. So back in March, we committed to each other to run a race when we were both in SLC in May. After a couple of weeks of convincing, we got all 7 Terry women to committed to running/walking it with us. (Jen also got her mom and two sisters to run too, so total there was 10 women all running the race together.)
So I started to train like crazy, the only problem was that I been dealing with a lot of back pain for over the last two years, and then my left knee decided it wanted to give me problems too. I was really pretty worried about it because I was the one to talk my sisters (minus Jen) into to running this race. I couldn't even finish the whole 3.2 miles without stopping at least once. Anyway, Doug knowing that I was a little stressed out about the race, asked if he could give me a Priesthood blessing. I agreed, and I am glad that I did. My pain didn't go away immediately but by the time race came I wasn't in any pain. It wasn't until about a week after the race, when my pain started to come back that I realized that the blessing worked. (I am pretty slow!!) But its true the power of the Priesthood is real. Even when its something that you might not think the Lord in concerned about, like running a 5k race. He hears our prayers and answers them. All 7 of us Terry women before the race. My sisters are so awesome, none of us a real runners. 1 is a dancer, 1 is the proud Grandmother and the other 5, well we are swimmers, not to mention that my little sister returned from her mission only 2.5 days before the big race!!! We are quite the group, but we are all united and wanted to support each other! Love you, girls.
This picture is proof that I actually crossed the finish line! Jen being the amazing woman that she is, was the first the cross the finish line out of our group. My mom also won an award, although she won't admit it, she took second in her age group!! My time wasn't the best, but I am still pretty proud of myself. I ran my first 5K race in 35 minutes and some seconds, taking 114 place. Not bad for having a double ear infection and a sinus infection!! (2 days after arriving in SLC, I visited the Urgent Care. I had a double ear infection and a sinus infection, fun huh) I am so happy that I ran this race, and am looking forward to my next race in September. I just might become a runner yet!!
Thursday, June 30, 2011
5K run
Posted by Gina Hurst
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